The Truth About White Bread: Why It’s Time to Switch to a Healthier Alternative

By Hannah de Gruchy / Nutrition / June 8th, 2023

The Truth About White Bread: Why It's Time to Switch to a Healthier Alternative

Hands up if you can’t resist perfectly toasted bread, dripping with real butter? Or a sandwich made with your favourite filling, cut into neat triangles? Perhaps a few bread soldiers ready to dip into a deliciously soft boiled egg?

Bread is one of our staple foods in the world, and is the mainstay of many lunches and brunches. But if our bread of choice is a white slice, then we may be doing more harm to our health than we realise.

Here’s why white bread might be the surprising culprit behind your health problems and how you can transform your health by opting for a healthier, wholegrain, alternative.


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