The 10 Best Foods to Slow Down Ageing

By Beck Robertson / Beauty / October 24th, 2022

1. Watercress

Watercress, anti-angeing foods

Did you know that eating 80g of watercress daily could help to reverse wrinkles by up to 39%? That’s what one study, conducted by Edinburgh Napier University found – and the trial also discovered that this handy herbaceous improved energy levels and pore size, while decreasing the appearance of age spots!

Watercress is a rich source of Vitamin A, C, E, folate and iron – perfect for fighting free radical oxidative damage that’s known to accelerate the ageing process. Vitamin C also provides major collagen benefits, as it boosts the production of collagen, helping to ease arthritis and keep skin plump. The Vitamin A in watercress gets converted into beta carotene in the body, which is highly effective at combating free radical damage when it’s combined with Vitamin C. This makes watercress the ideal food to help prevent age-related conditions brought on by oxidative stress!

One research trial found a statistically significant odds reduction for the development of advanced age-related vision loss in participants who took beta carotene supplements. As 100g of watercress contains approximately 1914 µg of beta carotene, you’re better off getting your daily dose of beta carotene and Vitamin C by incorporating this zingy green into your diet instead.

Watercress is delicious in sandwiches, salads, or blended into smoothies and can also be used to garnish fish dishes or pasta. It’s such a powerhouse of nutrition that scientists claim it can even reduce your risk of cancer – research published by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found it decreases many of the biomarkers related to cancer risk and increases blood levels of antioxidants!


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