8 Tips To Help You Reach Your Weight Loss Goals

By Beck Robertson / Lifestyle / January 3rd, 2023

3. Get Active, Stay Active

Get Active, Stay Active

One of the best ways to lose weight and still eat well is by getting active – so make sure to move your body as much as you can every day. Having an active lifestyle, where you get plenty of vigorous exercise is proven to increase fat loss – and as a bonus, it’s also the best way to stay healthier for longer!

It can be hard to find the time to go to the gym every day, so instead, try and incorporate movement into your routine, as much as you can. Take the stairs, not the lift, where possible, go for a walk with the dog, and walk to the shop, instead of nipping there in the car. If you work at home, you might consider installing a standing desk, as standing up not only boosts blood circulation, it burns slightly more calories than sitting down.

Incorporating movement into your lifestyle doesn’t have to be a hassle and like everything else associated with losing weight, you should take it slow at first, then increase your efforts. Even small changes help, like stretching for five minutes after you get up and before you go to bed, as it all mounts up. If you make a concerted effort to move a bit more and you keep this up daily, you’ll definitely be aiding your weight loss goals.

When it comes to the impact of activity, consistency is key and this is even more pivotal than the amount of movement you achieve at one time. It’s far better to stay active regularly, than it is to go for a 5 mile hike, then sit down for the rest of the week – so use this knowledge to improve your motivation to move!

If you’re someone who finds getting and staying active hard, don’t be discouraged, or feel that just because you can’t run a marathon yet, all is lost. As we mentioned earlier, it’s the small but repeated changes you make that count in the end – so keep the golden rule in mind and aim for little but often.


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