Are Plant-Based Milks Healthier Than Dairy Milk?


Who should consider switching to a non-dairy milk?

Who should consider switching to a non-dairy milk?

There are a few different reasons why you might want to change from consuming dairy milk to non-dairy. Some people choose to for animal welfare reasons, preferring not to consume the milk of cows, sheep or goats, perhaps as part of a wider move to a fully vegan diet or to sit alongside their vegetarian diet.

Other people are deciding to ditch the dairy for environmental reasons, and we go into more on that below.

Many people decide to make the switch for health reasons. Having an intolerance to lactose, the sugar naturally present in dairy milk, means that consuming it leads to unpleasant gastric symptoms, making a plant-based alternative ideal. The same goes for anyone with an allergy to milk and dairy products. Full-fat dairy also contains saturated fat, another reason someone might want to opt for dairy-free milk instead.

However, the full answer on the pros and cons of the health aspects of plant-milks isn’t as clear cut…


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