I Eat An Apple a Day and It Truly Transformed My Health!

By Hannah de Gruchy / Nutrition / April 24th, 2023

10 Health Benefits Of Apples

Apples. They’re fairly mainstream, right?

As children, we happily ate them at lunchtime (or hid them at the bottom of our schoolbags) and as adults they’ve become a forgotten staple in our fruit bowls.

The wholesome apple is one of the simplest, most available, every day fruits, that can be eaten on the go –- and that can easily add towards our fruit and vegetable intake.

One apple counts for one daily portion and there are a huge number of locally grown varieties, which contributes to sustainable eating.

And these tasty fruits are far from basic! They are packed with fibre, antioxidant vitamins, essential minerals and complete with their own natural, edible, packaging. Apples contain nutrients that can support everything from our gut to our heart health, help to reduce our risk of chronic disease and even help us lose weight.

So, could the old adage be true, that an apple a day, keeps the doctor away? Here’s eight remarkable health benefits attributed to the humble apple that should convince you to add it to your diet!


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