15 High Carb Foods That Are Actually Healthy


15 High Carb Foods That Are Healthy

If you’re conscious about what you eat, then you’ve probably heard somewhere along the line that carbs are bad for you.

But in reality, carbs aren’t the devil in food form – or at least, not all of them are.

Here’s the simple fact – carbs are necessary for our survival! Without them, we’d feel tired and lethargic, we wouldn’t have much energy and we’d even struggle with our ability to concentrate. All carbohydrates are broken down during digestion into their constituent parts – sugars. Which is probably why they get such a bad rap. But we need a certain amount of sugar in order to function and crucially, for energy.

However, not all carbs are created equal. Some carbs are quickly broken down into simple sugars, flooding the bloodstream with glucose, giving us a sugar rush, which quickly disappears, leaving us wanting more of the sweet stuff.

The good carbs are broken down into more complex sugars, slowly releasing their energy over time and sustaining us throughout the day.

So check out our surprising list of good carbs and why you should be eating them weekly!


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