11. Sugary Cereals
Cereal is one of the most popular breakfast foods, especially during the working or school week, when time is at a premium. All we need to do is tip some into a bowl, add milk and we’re good to go.
The problem is, many breakfast cereals contain added sugar, and it’s not always obvious. Frosted wheats, chocolate covered puffed rice and colourful wheat flakes all obviously contain sugar. But some of the “healthy” branded breakfast cereals also contain sugar. So it’s always worth checking the labels.
As we’ve discussed a few times in this list of foods that can leave us feeling hungry, when we consume sugar, it floods the bloodstream, instantly raising our blood sugar levels. This gives us an immediate energy boost, but one that is quickly used up as our blood sugar levels dip again. This means that soon after eating breakfast we’ll need an energy boost and we’ll feel hungry. Sugary cereals are also seriously lacking in fibre and protein too, that help to keep us full. So, opt for sugar free, fibre rich wholewheat cereals and add a handful of protein rich nuts and seeds.